IF YOU’VE EVER had noisy neighbours, then you will relate to this young woman’s plight.
A few days ago, college student Morgan Bayless and her roommates reached breaking point with their upstairs neighbours, who were so loud that it sounded as though they were “participating in a WWE Smackdown,” according to Bayless.
So they decided to do what anyone would in a similar situation and write a passive aggressive note.
It read:
Dear assholes, why are you so loud after 9pm every day? Are you f**king sumo wrestlers or you possibly have lead f**king fet? Y’all are really wild as hell. It was funny at first, but now you’re just annoying. Please, calm the f**k down. Have an excellent night. P.S. If you’re selling tickets to the 2am basketball games, let us know.
But her neighbours didn’t take the letter lying down. Instead, they offered her tickets to the aforementioned basketball game…
Damn, well played.
Bayless shared the photos on Twitter where they went insanely viral.
But all’s well that ends well!
In an article written for Fresh U, Bayless wrote that her and her nuisance neighbours have come to a truce of sorts.
Many people might see what I did as irritating or flat-out rude, but as teenagers, this type of thing is funny to us. No harm was done, no fist-fights broke out, and I even offered the boys candy canes as a form of truce.
Candy canes: the solution to all conflicts.